It was the project where i stuided the most probably.I learned something new every day.
Found a new inspirtaion,what i tried to fit into my art.
Maybe this is the main reason why it takes so long to finish.It became so important for me,that sometimes i feel it is impossible to finish.I always find a part,or scene i could do much better,so i must go back.
What was also very difficult to keep the pages in a synch,and to be in the same mood all the time,what the book demanded from me!
I was sketching a lot,making color studies,took photo refernces...etc.Before i started a page.
And as i use watercolor mostly,its hard to fix the mistakes,or redraw just a part.
So you always have to focus on what're doing!!!!
Some words about the technics.Mainly i am working with watercolor,mixing it gouache,on a cold pressed aquarelle paper.And from the brushes,my all time favorite is the Winsor and Newton seria 7.Next time i will do a post only to talk about my technics,but right now its 4 a.m here..
a bit tired for this..prefer to drink a beer.